Elimanate all those other filters around your home with this and straight line run to your computor, will let you get all those other filters off your line and help increase you dsl quality.
Installing this item is easy just open up the customer side of you network interface device provided by you local telephone company, disconnect your inside lines from the connection point they provide you, hook up the red and green wire to were your inside wires were hooked in. Then hook the line running to your computer / DSL modem to the connector marked data and your other lines to the other connectors close up the network interface device and you have installed this device nothing more to it. If you do not have a line run straight to the DSL modem you may have to run a line so that you have a dedicated run to the dsl modem but it is that easy.
Tii 95S-1-12
The Tii 95S Series DSL POTS Splitter Module splits the combined voice and data signals carried on telephone lines providing separate outputs for both phone and data services. The tii 95S-1-12 utilizes enhanced circuit components to meet VDSL2/ADSL2+ splitter specifications for advanced data and IPTV deployments.